

» Cursos

“Sua escola é maravilhosa! A rotação de professores é, com certeza, um diferencial! Gosto muito disso!”

Marcus Vinicius Maia de Oliveira | Banco Pine | 20/04/2013

» Metodologia

“Conheci a Polidiomas em 1993, o que mais marcou foi o "rodízio" de professores. Fiz aulas por dois ou três anos, depois parei.

Em 2010 quando estive em Las Vegas pude perceber que, apesar de ter feito aulas de inglês com professor particular por dois anos, tive muita dificuldade em entender o que diziam por conta dos diferentes sotaques.

Percebi que precisava mudar minha estrutura de aulas e lembrei-me da Polidiomas. Em 2011 retomamos as aulas e, desde então "meu Inglês" melhorou muito.

Retornei ao exterior outras vezes e pude "testar" meu conhecimento na língua. Minhas dificuldades foram sensivelmente menores, sendo até elogiado.

São atenciosos e flexíveis o que ajuda muito na manutenção do relacionamento aluno - escola.

Parabéns à Polidiomas e que possam continuar assim.”

Wlademir Nunes | COFRAN | 18/07/2013

» Assessoria Fonética

“Quis incluir no meu CD uma música em espanhol sem saber falar o idioma, procurei a Polidiomas e não só achei quem compusesse a letra da música em espanhol, como uma assessoria fonética durante a gravação para eliminar sotaque e deixar a pronúncia quase 100%.

Adorei o trabalho, vejam o resultado clicando aqui. ”

Fernando Ébano | Cantor e compositor | 19/07/2013

» Metodologia

“Gostaria de deixar registrado a minha satisfação com a metodologia e professores.
As aulas de fato contribuíram para a melhoria do meu desempenho profissional na língua inglesa.
Grata por toda a atenção e colaboração.”

Nair Mello | PMO | Thomson Reuters - Mastersaf | 19/07/2013

Teste A1

Dados pessoais

Nome completo:





Como você nos conheceu?


Em cada questão há somente uma resposta certa.
Escolha a opcção correspondente:

1.Joanne is studying in ___________ brother's bedroom.





2. Where is the book?

It's in the table.

It's on the desk.

He's there.

It's blue.

3. Who are they?

They're here.

They're working.

They're there.

They're John and Mike.

4. Choose the correct option:

I get up around six on the morning.

I sleep until noon on Sundays.

I go to bed at midnight in weeknights.

I have lunch around 3 at the afternoon.

5. Choose the correct option:

How much are this book?

How much are this shirt?

How much are these earrings?

How much is this necklaces?

6. Where ________ usually have breakfast?

does Peter and he

do you

is he

does the children

7. Choose the correct option:

Which are cheap, the shoes or the boots?

What is the biggest, the suitcase or the box?

Which tie is prettier, the orange one or the blue one?

How is most expensive, a car or a plane?

8. 'How often do you study English?'
'I study English _______________.'

at night

twice a week

at 3 p.m.


9. I know that John was there because I ________________ him parking his car in front of the building.



had seen

will see

10. He is ____________ from 9 a.m. to 11 p.m.

at the job

at the home

at work

in work

11. I ___________ to study for the test this weekend.

am going



shall be

12. The children go to school ____________.


on bus

on foot

out of car

13. I used to play volleyball when I ________________ twenty.


will have



14. She was cooking when he ____________ her.



was calling

is calling

15. 'Did you work until late last Friday?'
'No, I _________________.'

was there

was out of town

am sleeping

will go there

16. How much violence is there in this city?

There is a lot.

There are a lot.

There are a few.

There isn't many.

17. If I ____________, I will visit you there.

have it

am having time

had time

have time

18. Choose the correct option:

What does he look?

What does he look like?

How long are her hair?

How big is her hair?

19. I __________ watch TV after dinner.

almost always



very much

20. She _____________ contact lenses.





21. How do you like your job?

I go by car.

I work very much.

I love it.

I have it.

22. I don't smoke ___________.


any much

anything else


23. Choose the correct option:

You shouldn't lose the Eiffel Tower.

You shouldn't have the Eiffel Tower.

You shouldn't try the Eiffel Tower.

You shouldn't miss the Eiffel Tower.

24. She has __________ English classes before.



will have


25. She __________ a wonderful book in New York recently.

is buying


has bought

will have bought

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